I actually cringe when I see people put their handbags on tabletops or couches in my home or even their home. I mean these are the same handbags that have been flung on the floors of cafes and restaurants and god knows where else. Now, I'm not a real clean freak but I do believe that the bottom of your handbag should be treated like the bottom of your shoes and not placed on surfaces that you would like to keep nice and clean.
So I loved the idea of a handbag hanger (a little hook that you can place on the side of the table and hang your handbag off it) and was scouring all of Australia for a classy one that I could use when I was out and about. Unfortunately most of them here look at bit cheap and nasty and gimmicky. But, here's one I absolutely love!! (although you have to order it in from the states).